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Available Courses

We will come to you!
All of our courses are conducted at your facility by a certified instructor.


Level 1 Instructor


The USA Archery Level 1 Instructor will learn about range safety, range setup, the steps of shooting, equipment inspection, programs and lesson plans and is well prepared to teach beginner archery programs to people of all ages and abilities in a variety of disciplines.

Mother & Child Shooting Arrows

Coaching in a Camp Setting

Setting up Campers for success. Students will  learn about the use and benefits of each coaching position. Positive coaching techniques. Progressions and games to enhance your Archery program.


Level 2 Instructor


The USA Archery Level 2 Instructor Certification hybrid course includes the USA Archery Level 1 Instructor online certification course information and provides students with an introduction to the National Training System (NTS) Steps of Shooting for recurve and compound, equipment and accessory setup, athlete development and events. 


Basic Equipment Inspection and Repair

Instruction is catered directly to your equipment. Students will learn to inspect and repair arrows, bow strings, bows, and accessories. 

First Aid Kit

American Red Cross Adult and Pediatric

First Aid/CPR/AED


This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants and meets OSHA/workplace requirements.


Would you like to schedule a course for your camp? Get in touch to learn more.

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